How to Choose Hand Cream Correctly?
The cuticles of the hands are thin and there is little fat. Typing and housework can make the skin tired, dry, and rough. With age, the level of collagen and elastin decreases, and wrinkles appear on the hands. Although most people's hands will not show signs of aging until they are 30-40 years old, it is likely that aging will be accelerated if not properly maintained. Misunderstandings of applying hand cream 1. Face cream can replace hand cream Many people will mix face cream and hand cream , which is not a desirable method. Because the human body's sweat glands and oil lines are distributed differently, the requirements for moisture and moisture are also different. 2. The best time to apply hand cream Many people choose to apply hand cream immediately after washing their hands to protect the skin from losing moisture. People with sensitive hand skin should apply a hand cream containing petroleum jelly and other water-repellent effects before touching a lot of water, which c...